So the obvious question is, how many atoms or molecules need to aggregate before they display these emergent properties, before they have a color, before they have a melting point, boiling point, heat capacity, and other properties that isolated atoms do not? The answer is not completely simple, as you are probably slowly coming to expect. For example while groups of atoms/molecules exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous states, and often have distinct colors and other properties, isolated atoms/molecules do not there are no solid or liquid isolated atoms and they do not have a color or a boiling point. In a similar way groups of atoms or molecules have different properties from isolated atoms/molecules. Theoretical Chemistry: Theoretical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that applies mathematics, physics, and computer programming to answer chemistry questions.When atoms interact with one another to form molecules or larger structures, the molecules have different properties than their component atoms they display what are often referred to as emergent properties, where the whole is more than, or different from the sum of its parts.Radiochemistry: Radiochemistry explores the nature of radioisotopes, the effects of radiation on matter, and the synthesis of radioactive elements and compounds.Quantum Chemistry: Quantum chemistry applies quantum mechanics to model and explore chemical systems.

Polymer Chemistry: Polymer chemistry deals with the synthesis and properties of macromolecules and polymers.Nuclear Chemistry: While most forms of chemistry mainly deal with interactions between electrons in atoms and molecules, nuclear chemistry explores the reactions between protons, neutrons, and subatomic particles.Geochemistry: Geochemistry examines the nature and properties of geological materials and processes.This includes remediation as well as ways of improving processes to make them more eco-friendly. Green Chemistry: Green chemistry looks at ways of minimizing the environmental impact of chemical processes.Often, electrons are the charge carrier, but the discipline also investigates the behavior of ions and protons.

Electrochemistry: Electrochemistry examines the movement of charge in chemical systems.Chemical Kinetics: Chemical kinetics (or simply "kinetics") studies the rates of chemical reactions and processes and the factors that affect them.Astrochemistry: Astrochemistry examines the abundance of elements and compounds in the universe, their reactions with each other, and the interaction between radiation and matter.Biochemistry is closely related to molecular biology, cell biology, and genetics. Sometimes this discipline is considered a subdiscipline of organic chemistry. Examples of key molecules include proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, drugs, and neurotransmitters. Biochemistry: Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes that occur inside of living organisms.Physical Chemistry: Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that applies physics to the study of chemistry, which commonly includes the applications of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics to chemistry.Analytical chemists develop standards, chemical methods, and instrumental methods. Analytical chemistry includes quantitative and qualitative analysis, separations, extractions, distillation, spectrometry and spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry: Analytical chemistry is the study of the chemistry of matter and the development of tools to measure properties of matter.Topics of interest to inorganic chemists include ionic compounds, organometallic compounds, minerals, cluster compounds, and solid-state compounds. A few inorganic compounds do contain carbon, but most contain metals.

It is the study of inorganic compounds, or compounds that don't contain a C-H bond.